Friday, 29 August 2014

Cry of the Taniwha Prejudice Example

My Reflection 
I have been learning to make a prejudice example of a character in the book Cry of the Taniwha.
I found this hard because I didn't have that many ideas and I didn't enjoy this because
it was frustrating. 
My next step is to try listen carefully for examples and ideas to help me learn more about this character. 

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Quaky Cat Art

We went to Te Tuhi to do a workshop called creative stories.  We did a role play of a story Quaky Cat then we made a collage of a scene from the story.  My role in the play was the Narrator (The Story teller). It was easy because we practiced the play more than 3 times.    

My Volcano Landscape

We have been learning how to apply paint.  We learn two techniques, dabbing with a sponge and dragging with cardboard.It was easy for me because concentrated while I was dabbing.