Friday, 29 August 2014

Cry of the Taniwha Prejudice Example

My Reflection 
I have been learning to make a prejudice example of a character in the book Cry of the Taniwha.
I found this hard because I didn't have that many ideas and I didn't enjoy this because
it was frustrating. 
My next step is to try listen carefully for examples and ideas to help me learn more about this character. 

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Quaky Cat Art

We went to Te Tuhi to do a workshop called creative stories.  We did a role play of a story Quaky Cat then we made a collage of a scene from the story.  My role in the play was the Narrator (The Story teller). It was easy because we practiced the play more than 3 times.    

My Volcano Landscape

We have been learning how to apply paint.  We learn two techniques, dabbing with a sponge and dragging with cardboard.It was easy for me because concentrated while I was dabbing. 

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Learning about school

I have study about school and topics such as Maths,Reading and Writing.
I created this because I wanted the world to learn new stuff.Like imagine what it is like to be smart I mean everyone to be smart.

My Fraction of a set

My Reflection
One thing that worked for me was turning a fraction into a division.One thing that worked for me was:
knowing the bar means divided by it made my basic facts easier because the bar (or vinculum) on the fraction means divided by .One thing that was tricky for me was when the numbers are big and I don’t know the basic facts that go with them.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Te Tuhi Art

My Reflection
I was doing shape (Geometry) house it is a house made out of shapes. I made my house and it's called   The Shao Khan. 

Natural disaster brainstorm

My Popplet Reflection
I have been learning to summarise and  my research in my own words.
I found summarising the information into my own words easy because I had so many ideas from this video.
Something I learnt was Tsunamis can damage houses.
My Next Step is to get more information from more videos and put it into my own words.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Understanding a Character's Impact

I was learning to understand a character's impact. One thing I thought of was how Jess felt at the beginning and then the end. At the beginning Jess felt bored and had a boring life. Jess was angry that Leslie died cause she died and actually changed Jess' life. One thing I could do better next time is to find more about is how Leslie changed Jess life so easy and how Jess felt when Leslie changed Jess life.Overall I think I did well to achieving my goal.

Friday, 28 March 2014

My Personal Presentation Award

I got a personal presentation award because I had clean uniform.  I was proud of myself because it was very clean everyday.

My Mathletics Award

I got a Mathletics award for trying my best to earn a sliver certificate.  I appreciated it because my family will be proud of my work.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

My Name Art

We were learning about warm and cool colors and how to draw concentric circles.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Wish You Were Here Art

This is my self -portrait  that I  painted at Te Tuhi Art gallery. It was fantastic.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

My Recount Postcard

My Recount Reflection
I was learning to write a simple recount in the right order.  I found it easy because you only had to write not that much.  My next step is to use more emotive words.  I knew I was writing it in order because I used sequencing words.

Friday, 7 March 2014

My Good Work Award

I got an award in the Year 3/4 assembly because I did Enthusiastic attitude to learning especially  on computer.  I felt great because it made me feel special.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Making and Breaking Numbers

My Reflection
I was learning that numbers can be made and broken up in a number in a different way.  I found it interesting because there was many ways.  I couldn't know know which one that has a good question.My next step is to use more division to make the number.

Friday, 28 February 2014

Kennings poem

My Reflection
I am learning to write a kennings poem I found it really easy because you had to talk something  special    about yourself. The next step for me is to get challenged so I can learn new things.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Did you ever? poem

My Reflection
I was learning to write a did you ever poem.  I did a good job working on it because it was too easy.  I was proud of my work because I used great verbs and nouns.  The next step for me is to get challenging work.    

My welcome post

My name is Sam I go to Elm Park School.  This is my first learning Blog.  I am excited because I want to talk to people about my learning.  I have a Blog because we can share about our learning.  I LOVE games. My favourite colours is green and blue.I am a year 4.